Easter 2024
Holy Week and Easter
Palm Sunday
Sunday 24th March
8am Holy Communion
9.45am Gather in the Main Hall for the Palm Procession
10am Parish Eucharist
6pm "The Cross of Christ" - a meditation on the Passion in readings and music
- sung by our choir
Monday Tuesday & Wednesday of Holy Week
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 25th, 26th & 27th March
7:45pm Holy Eucharist each day
(also 10:30 am Holy Communion on Wednesday as usual)
Maundy Thursday
Thursday 28th March
7:45pm Holy Eucharist with foot washing
Followed by the Watch until midnight
Good Friday
Friday 29th March
10am All Age Worship
12 noon 'At the Foot of the Cross' - reflections, prayer and hymns
Please come and go as you wish
2pm Liturgy of Good Friday
Easter Eve
Saturday 30th March
9pm Easter Ceremonies - starting in the Hall and moving into Church.
Easter Day
Sunday 31st March
8am Holy Communion
10am All Age Eucharist
6pm Evening Prayer (Book of Common Prayer)