Messy Church
Messy Church is a form of church for all the family that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality.
There is plenty of time for creativity and play with a short time of worship, involving a Bible story, prayer and songs. Then children and adults all sit down for a meal together.
Check out our 'What's on' page to find the next date, or contact Elisabeth, our Children and Families' Minister.
Some Feedback
After one of our Messy Church services, Maddie, one of our young people, said:
“It felt nice being with so many children all close to God and I really liked it. I like that we got to move round to different areas so it felt less boring than being in one place. It was good to have a mix of activities. I really liked playing with the Lego as it meant we could use our own imagination to make something that fitted with the story . I can’t wait to go again!”
At St Andrews we take safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults seriously. Please find our policy here.
If you have any concerns, you can contact
our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Jo Newton
or the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor at safeguarding@stalbans.anglican.org