Our Telephone Link Carers (TLC ) service is looking for one or two more volunteers. Might YOU be interested?
If you like listening to people talking about themselves and their lives, come and give us a try. TLC has now been running for four years and at present we have 13 people we call each week . Volunteering involves giving about one and half to two hours every two weeks (or more often) to talk to people who are generally quite lonely. We telephone from our own homes. Calls may last anything from two minutes to an hour but on average they will be 15-20 mins and you will be allocated three to four calls to make with different people each week.
The aim of the call is to ensure the person is safe and not in need of any help and then allow them to direct the call for as long as they need. As most of the people we call are church-goers they are pleased for you to end the call with a prayer – a list of prayers you can use is provided. Training and guidance is provided. All volunteers are DBS checked and undertake basic safeguarding training
If you are interested to help, please contact Fiona McLeod via the Church Office. We are happy to welcome volunteers who don’t go to St Andrew’s but we would request a reference from them.
Please consider carefully if you would be interested in this ministry which is greatly appreciated by the people we call.
…and if you know of anyone who you think might benefit from a weekly call, and is living in Bedford Borough, please let me know. We will obviously need their permission before we call.
Fiona McLeod