If you are having a Spring clear out and find items which can be reused or recycled, our Outreach partner Emmaus Carlton could help you move them on.
Over the next few weeks the Mission and Outreach Team are hoping to make a collection of goods to take to Emmaus, our local Outreach Partner. There will be a collection box in the Church Centre Foyer to receive your donated items. Maybe it's books, toys or unwanted gifts - whatever you have to donate, please bring them to church and place them in the box in the Foyer, which we will empty regularly. We will then take them to Carlton, or, if necessary, arrange a collection.
It is important to be sure that what we give is suitable and can be processed by them and sold in their shops. It is shocking to read that Emmaus have to spend £47,000 per annum disposing of items which they cannot use, even for scrap. So here is a list of “can take” and, “cannot take” items.
These items CAN be donated:
Books, CDs, DVDs, Games, Toys, Household bric-a-brac, Clothes/ shoes, Accessories
These items CANNOT be accepted:
Alcohol, Baby equipment, Soft toys without a visible CE label, Used duvets/ pillows, Video or audio tapes, Electrical items over 10 years old
If you have any larger items eg. furniture, please get in touch with us via the office and we will try to arrange collection for you.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Angela Huddart
For the Mission and Outreach Team