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The Parish Giving Scheme – FAQs


We encourage members of the Church family who wish to give financially to St Andrew’s to do so via the Parish Giving Scheme. As part of our planned giving campaign, we aim to give answers here to some frequently asked questions:


Who owns and runs the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)?

PGS is run centrally via the Church of England’s National Church Institutions, through a charity, the Church of England Central Services (ChECS).


If I give via PSG, how much of my money comes to St Andrew’s?

Unlike some other charity giving schemes, 100% of your donations, plus any gift aid, comes directly to St Andrew’s.


Is there a cost to St Andrew’s in running the PGS, or to me giving via the PGS?

There is a very simple answer to this question. No. Not a bean!


How is the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) funded?

PGS is funded by the Archbishops’ Council via a Church Commissioners grant. It is free for St Andrew’s as a Church and you and an individual to join.


Why is this St Andrew’s preferred method?

Giving through the Parish Giving Scheme significantly decreases administration on behalf of our volunteers, releasing time and energy for mission and ministry. It also ensures a regular income stream which means that as a Church family we can budget and plan.


How does it work?

When you join the PGS, you will set up a Direct Debit, which will come out of your bank account on the first day of the month.

You will also be asked if you can gift aid your donation; when prompted please tick yes if you can! When you give with gift aid, your donation is worth 25% more to Church, and PGS undertakes all the administration on our behalf.


How do I join the Parish Giving Scheme?

Simply go to and enter St Andrew’s parish code 320632278. The site will take you through the rest of the process.

Alternatively, we can supply you with a paper copy of the application on request; just contact Jim Dawson (Planned Giving Officer) via the Parish Office.


Can I speak to a human being?

Yes!  You can call the Parish Giving Scheme directly on 0333 002 1260. The offices and call centre are based in Gloucester.


What if I need to stop my giving?

You can cancel your giving very simply at any time, either online or over the phone.

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©2021 by St Andrew's Church, Bedford.
The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Andrew Bedford is a Registered Charity, number 1130171

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