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A Taste of Pajule


On Sunday 10th July the Mission Outreach Team invited the congregation to a Taste of Pajule.

Kindly hosted by Lucy and Anthony in their garden, on a day of warm sunshine, people were able to enjoy food [with some poetic kitchen licence] that is eaten in the Pajule region of Uganda, that we’re now supporting through our partnership with World Vision.

On the menu were flatbread, various types of humus, Sambusa [Samosas], Matoke [mashed plantain], omelette, bean salad, baked sweet potato and much more all washed down with water, followed by a dessert of sesame snaps.

The food was delicious and we’ve been asked for the recipes, so watch this space.

A quiz for adults and children helped people to learn more about Pajule and Uganda in general.

And as you can see from the photos, it was an event enjoyed by a large number of people, enjoying shade and coolness under the trees.

Our support for Pajule is committed for three years and, as well as an initial donation from our annual Mission budget, events such as this help to raise a little extra which will find its way to Pajule. Donations for this event gave profits of £255, so thank you all for your support.

Before people departed John Orchard, our dedicated World Vision support person, spoke about the needs of Pajule and World Vision’s project in that area which will last for 15 years.

Hopefully our partnership will enable local communities, particularly children, to receive improved educational opportunities, help with establishing sustainable agricultural projects, improvements in healthcare, and much more.

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