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Our Vision, God’s Future

We invite ALL members of the Church family to contribute as we discern our vision together. You will find paper copies of the questionnaire at the back of Church, or please complete the same questions online here, by 14th March.


The world has changed permanently in the last two years. We have changed as society and as individuals. Church has changed too, here at St Andrew’s and nationally. Some of those changes may be positive. Some might be tricky. One thing is certain; we cannot go back. We can only go forward, and go forward with God.

St Andrew’s is rich in resources, but where should we be focussing our energy?

If we are to continue to flourish in faith and in mission, we need to be purposeful as we step into the future. We therefore need to be honest about ourselves as Church and be prepared to follow God’s promptings.

Lucy and the Mission Action Plan group will collate and consider the results of this corporate discernment, to see where the Spirit is blowing and how we, as St Andrew’s, might respond next.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43: 19


During Spring 2022 we will discern our vision for God’s future for us as a Church family through:

· Focussed prayer throughout the period.

· Sermon on 16th January. (Can be revisited via paper copies available at the back of Church, on YouTube, or in the blog on the website.)

· Individual responses.

· Facilitated conversations in all our groups and committees.

We will reflect on and respond to the following sentences:

1. As St Andrew’s Church family we are….

2. As St Andrew’s Church family we hope to be…

3. As St Andrew’s Church family we are here to…

As we journey together into our future with God we would like to gather a wide range of views. Please do contribute by completing the questionnaire online or on a hard copy by 14th March.

I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.

Joel 2:28

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