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Pedal Power!


Are you ready for a challenge?

Beds & Herts Historic Churches Sponsored Bike ‘n Hike 2023

Saturday 9th September, 9am to 5pm

As our parish co-ordinator for this fundraiser, I am writing to ask members of St Andrew’s to give some consideration to any ways in which they could support this event . We need cyclists & / or walkers who would tour local places of Christian Worship in and around Bedford, planning their own route and taking as much time as they have available during the hours of 9am to 5pm. The sponsorship envelopes containing all the necessary information are available now!

We also need people to sign the volunteers' sponsorship forms either for a set amount per church or a one off donation. Remember that half the money collected is for The Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust and the other half for the church of your choice. St Andrew’s have always done well in the past!

In addition we keep the church open on the day to receive visiting participants and offer our facilities and drinks & simple refreshments, so we shall need church-sitters to welcome and sign the forms of all who come here. Perhaps you could spend an hour or more supporting in this way - look out for the sign up sheet nearer the time or give me or the church office a call for more information. Thank you

Pat Rogers

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